Welcome to The Big Red Links! In light of this blog’s current (and slow, trust me, I notice!) shift towards Nurse Comedy, the Big Red Links project needs to shift accordingly. Progess, I hope: only time will tell. The same three focus areas will remain in place: Nursing, Mental Health, and Art/Fun. The red headers continue to serve as links to the archives for each focus: all links to date. Only the balance between them will change. If my Muse and the Fates grant me my prayers, so to speak, these link collection posts may even take on more coherent themes. It’s a worthy goal in any case, one among too many, but a good one. We’ll see. Before we dive in with the links, please consider two very important requests. I greatly appreciate it when you: 1) Submit material. Use The Big Red Carpet to share, advertise and publicize! Contact me however you like: I list contact options at the bottom of the INTRO & Contact Info page. Also, 2) Talk to me! Tell me how I’m doing: how my offerings affect you, what’s good or bloody awful, what you wish I’d offer or just please stop already, all my victories and flubs. [...]