Welcome to The Big Red Carpet! In addition to the nineteen stories shown, each section header takes you to an archive of all the links to date from that section. I offer three such archives, one for each section of The Big Red Carpet. I eagerly invite you to: 1) Share everything you find here, 2) Comment here: otherwise I get lonely! 3) Submit material. Use The Big Red Carpet to share, advertise and publicize! Contact me however you like: I list contact options at the bottom of the INTRO & Contact Info page. Nursing Links: Guy’s and Tommy’s brings in ‘nurse in charge’ armbands Meet Mary Bylone: Every Conversation About Patient Care Should Include A Bedside Nurse The long-term effects of nurses not taking their breaks | Mighty Nurse Physicians for a National Health Program (PNHP) Statement on the Affordable Care Act The Myth of Big, Bad Gluten Colorado’s Effort Against Teenage Pregnancies Is a Startling Success Traits and Characteristics of an ED Nurse Hospitals Firing Seasoned Nurses: Nurses FIGHT Back! Mental Health Links: A day in the life of a Mind Infoline adviser – This charity provides support and advice about mental health and related topics, by phone and email. Branstad [...]