We have six contributions to share this week: Donna Carol Maheady offers What’s Disability to Me?, part of a series of videos produced by the World Health Organization. She picked an interview with a nurse who succeeded after everyone around her told her it was impossible. Not bad! 2. Elizabeth Scala offers Why Can’t I Get a Job? 3 Tips to Getting Hired as a Nurse: 3. I offer Nurses, I Choose Progress. I Bounce a Ball! 4. Rachel Danford Silva offers an introduction to podcasts, especially those produced by nurses, in International Podcast Day WIth Nurse Podcasters: 5. Maureen Moore Osuna offers How to get into nursing school: 6. Kelly Payne offers Baby Blues, Postpartum Depression & Psyshosis: See you next week!Filed under: Care TIps, Fun, Healthy Mind, RN Tagged: coping, depression, disability, Fun, Nurse, nursing, podcast, postpartum, school, Success, work