Before we do anything else, let’s get that old saying out of the way: “When life gives you lemons, make lemonade.” Forgive me for picking on this tired old string of words, and please indulge me with a few comments on it: If life is giving you free groceries of any kind, first off, enjoy it while it lasts! Don’t let anyone make it sound like a bad thing. When you have a pile of free lemons, why limit your options? You can wait for life to start sending you free sugar too, or you can pay for some lemonade: buy the sugar & use your precious time to mix it all up. Do you even WANT lemonade? Plan to sell it? Think things through a little. You’ve stumbled onto a valuable resource: free lemons! Why waste them or spend money and time unless you have a use lemonade? Why not sell the lemons, or give them to someone who needs or wants them? Have you considered all the countless other uses for lemons? The juice is a great flavor enhancer for many foods and beverages, and it has other applications in skin care, cleaning, etc. In short. never let someone [...]