Good Wisdom “of the Day” #19 : Seeing a rainbow
Seeing a rainbowFiled under: Healthy Mind Tagged: attitude, life, quote, Success, wisdom
View ArticleGood “of the Day” #21 : Fair Enough?
Fair enough? Compassion Filed under: Healthy Mind Tagged: advice, coping, life, quote, Success
View ArticleGood “of the Day” # 24 : Experience is…
«Experience is the teacher of all things.»— Julius Caesar Source: Experience is the teacher of all things.Filed under: Healthy Mind, RN Tagged: advice, experience, grow, learn, life, quote, Success
View ArticleGood “of the Day” # 26: Why Adult Coloring Is Such A Hit
“As I write this, ten of the top fifty books on Amazon’s Best Seller list are adult coloring books. Six of those are in the top twenty-five…” Source: Why Adult Coloring Is Such A Hit, and Why You Need...
View ArticleGood “of the Day” #28: You are here for a reason
What’s your reason? Not that you have to pick just one, but it’s a start. First, though, check out this great comic to understand the question better: You are here for a reason So what is it?Filed...
View ArticleGood “of the Day” #32: University Student’s Kindness to a Stranger
Thanks to Reshareworthy for this story: “A young man’s gesture of kindness towards a deaf man with cerebral palsy is touching hearts around the world. Canadian university student Godfrey Coutto was on...
View ArticleDepression Catch 22: Digging Out
Here’s the Catch 22 of depression: It deeply messes up your life, puts you in a deep, dark hole that only you can see. You badly need to climb back out and get your life back, get YOU back, right? As...
View ArticleGood “of the Day”: Psych Nurse Trains Cops
What a great idea! Source: Nurse Helps Prepare Police for Encounters with the Mentally IllFiled under: Healthy Mind, RN Tagged: cops, Mental health, mental illness, Nurse, nursing, police, RN
View ArticleNurses Talking to Psych: The Five Lethal Steps of Stigma
What comes to mind when you hear “mental illness?” Many if not most nurses feel dread. They imagine danger, pain, frustration, hostility, violence, wasted time and energy. For 20 years, I’ve heard...
View ArticleHow does Carrie Fisher matter?
It’s arguably a disrespectful question, yet it seems to me exactly the question to ask. Sure, I watched those Star Wars flicks so long ago. I watched Postcards from the Edge too. Still, to offer due...
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